My art practice grows from a life-long practice of land cultivation and roots in the intelligence of ecosystems: recognizing what is sown (or created) carries a life of its own; exists in a vast, indeterminate system; and, when composed of mutually beneficial ingredients, fosters relationships for healing and load-sharing. This practice spans a variety of media – enviro/bio art, fiber, sculpture, video, social practice, performance, and immersive installation — yet is concentrated on applications for and conversations about environmental, climate, and social justice. By primarily working with fungi, plants, microbes, and biodegradable materials, I prioritize engaging more-than-human audiences while facilitating human communities through social practice and environmental stewardship.
I imbricate branches of ecological and scientific research with collaboration with other artists, community members, and scientists, extensive processing of materials, free education/workshops, and (outdoor) installation. These dendritic project pathways trouble what is and is not “art” to open inclusive spaces to gather, share, and experience place and each other. I endeavor to make work that is materially low impact and does not create harmful waste or participate in a global, capital economy. I seek to instead participate in the reciprocal economy of the more-than-human world by creating habitats, ecosystems, and microbial forms of nourishment. My artworks are queer, entwining multispecies agents in transformation, play, and their own dynamic processes. It is my goal that at the “end” of these artworks their comprising materials become compost for the Earth and/or substrate for fungi.
My artistic practice is committed to decomposing predictable apathy to instead cultivate collective care. Working with fungi, multispecies, and other humans, this practice nurtures posthuman environments and dialogues that foster inclusion and justice, celebrate (bio)diversity, challenge myths of individualism, and center alternative ways of learning, knowing, and being.