Ganoderma lucidum (reishi mushroom) grown onto glass
Like plants, fungi are stimulated by stressors which cause adaptations and can break habits. This is true for humans too but is often easily forgotten. In this work, the reishi mushroom was put in adverse growing conditions without much oxygen, but through searching and shifting normal growth, it grew into this space and found what it needed.
I am amazed by the response to stress made by the biological community, but particularly that of the fungi. As creatures who have inhabited this planet for over 3 billion years, their adaptation strategies and digestive capacities are incredible, and truly unlike any other. I am interested in the lessons we can learn from these beings and also how we (humans) can work with them to help resolve the damage we have done to the planet that we share with all of life. Trauma and Matura, are anagrams of one another and this reishi reflects both arrangements. I ask, how can we grow and adapt through our own stressors and traumas? How can we make changes to thrive in the unfavorable conditions we find ourselves in today – ecologically, politically, socially, and psychologically?